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Będą napisane kawałki piosenek, a wy będziecie musieli odgadnąć jaka to piosenka...Powodzenia!
Tagi dla tego testu:
Podaj swoje imię:
"Story of my life, searching for the right" to:
1. Story of my life
2. Glamorous
3. Unfaithful
4. Break the ice
5. Promiscous
"When I come to the club step aside" to:
1. Fergalicious
2. London Bridge
3. Maneater
4. Pon the reaplay
5. Release
"Allow me to get you right,once you warm up to me" to:
1. Piece of me
2. Gimme more
3. All good things
4. Break the ice
5. Get your hands up
"It's not healthy for me to feel this way" to:
1. SOS
2. Umbrella
3. Never
4. Clumsy
5. If it's lovin that you want
"Now you don't mean nothing at all to me" to:
1. Say it
2. Afraid
3. Say it right
4. Apologize
5. Take a bow
"Why you have to go and make things so complicated" to:
1. Sk8er boi
2. Girlfriend
3. Hot
4. Complicated
5. When your gone
"You must now about me" to:
1. To the left
2. Irreplaceable
3. Because of you
4. With love
5. I'm with you
"Told you I'll be here forever" to:
1. Shut up and drive
2. Breakin' Dishes
3. Don't stop the music
4. Rehab
5. Umbrella
"Everybody cries, it's ok to doubt" to:
1. Dangerous
2. Even heaven cries
3. Shame
4. Hot
5. Hot summer
"Turn of your radio, blast your stereo" to:
1. Pump it
2. Let get is started
3. Hey mama
4. Don't lie
5. Don't phunk with my heart
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