


Tagi dla tego testu: pronouns

Podaj swoje imię:

To są dwie książki.

  • This are two books.
  • These are two books.
  • Those are two books.

Tamto jest stare drzewo.

  • That is an old tree.
  • This is an old tree.
  • Those is an old tree.

To nie są miłe psy.

  • This are not nice dogs.
  • These are not nice dogs.
  • It is not nice dogs.

Czy tamto jest nasz dom?

  • Is there our house?
  • Is this our house?
  • Is that our house?

Czy tamto są ich dzieci?

  • Are these their children?
  • Are those their children?
  • Is that their children?

To nie są jej książki.

  • This isn't her books.
  • This aren't her books.
  • These aren't her books.

To jest jego dom, ale tamto nie są jego drzewa.

  • This is his house, but those are not his trees.
  • This is his house, but that are not his trees.
  • This is his house, but there are not his trees.

Czy tamto są nasze jabłka?

  • Is that our apples?
  • Are these our apples?
  • Are those our apples?

To nie są jej koty, ale tamto są jej psy.

  • This isn't her cats, but that are her dogs.
  • These are not her cats, but there are her dogs.
  • These are not her cats, but those are he dogs.

To nie jest ich dom, ale tamto jest ich ogród.

  • This isn't their house, but that is their garden.
  • This isn't their house, but there is their garden.
  • This isn't their garden, but it is their garden.

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Tobiasz 02.03.201310
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