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Życie staje się coraz to trudniejsze.
Life gets more and more difficult nowadays.
Life is getting more and more difficult nowadays.
Life has gotten more and more difficult nowadays.
Life is used to getting more and more difficult nowadays.
She ... about my birhtday. I don't like it!
always forgets
is always forgetting
is used to forgetting
uses to forget
Powiedz mi gdzie ona mieszka.
Tell me where she lives.
Tell me where does she live.
Tell me where she live.
Z kim on chodzi do szkoły?
With who does he go to school?
With who he goes to school?
Who he goes to school with?
Who does he go to school with?
She is usually a happy person, but today she .... sad.
is being
On mieszka w Polsce od 15 lat.
He lives in Poland since 15 years ago.
He has lived in Poland for 15 years ago.
He has been living in Poland since 15 years.
He has been living in Poland for 15 years
Kiedy ona była mała czytała dużo książek.
When she was little she use to read a lot of books.
When she was little she was reading a lot of books.
When she was little she read a lot of books.
When she was little she used to reading a lot of books.
Kogo ona widziała wczoraj?
Whom she saw yesterday?
Whom did she see yesterday?
Who saw she yesterday?
Who did she see yesterday?
Do czwartej wczoraj ona czytala przez godzinę.
By four o'clock she was reading for an hour.
By four o'clock she had been reading for an hour.
By four o'clock she has been reading for an hour.
By four o'clock she read for an hour.
Nie wiem o kim on myśli co wieczór.
I don't know about who he thinks every evening about?
I don't know about who he thinks every evening of?
I don't know who thinks every evening about?
I don't know who does he think every evening about?
Mam zwyczaj czytać wieczorami.
I use to reading in the evenings.
I am used to reading in the evening.
I read in the evenings.
I used to read in the evenings.
Zanieczyszczenie staje się większe w tych dniach.
Pollution is getting bigger these days.
Pollution gets bigger these days.
Pollution has gotten bigger these days.
Pollution has been getting bigger these days.
Kiedy ona jechała do pracy kiedy zdarzył się wypadek.
While she was going to work the accident had happened.
While she was going to work the accident happened.
While she was going to work the accident has happened.
On zdał egzamin bo uczył się przez cały rok.
He passed the exam because he was studying for the whole year.
He passed the exam because he had been studying for the whole year.
He passed the exam because he studied for the whole year.
He passed the exam because he had studied for the whole year.
Look at the puddles. It .... the whole night.
was raining
had been raining
has been raining
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Welcome friends 1 Units 10 - 12
Infinitive /'ing' trudny
Repetytorium Unit 4
Welcome friends 1 Units 13 - 15
Welcome friends 1 Units 16-18
0,1,2 Conditionals
Infinitive /'ing'
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