
Are you addicted to computers and Internet?

This test helps you find out if you are addicted to computers and Internet. You can score 0 to 24 points. The more points you receive, the higher your level of addiction is. Enjoy! :)

Tagi dla tego testu: uzależnienie, addicted, addiction, computer, internet, uzależniony

Podaj swoje imię:

When was the last time you did your homework without a computer ?

  • I can not imagine this situation
  • at least a year ago
  • 1 month ago
  • yesterday or the day before yesterday

When someone asks you to send a letter to him/her, you:

  • it even hasn’t crossed my mind that it may be a traditional letter
  • propose a regular web chat instead of a letter
  • go to the post office and send a traditional letter
  • propose to send an email instead of writing a traditional letter

What do you think about sitting at the computer at night?

  • tempting , but I prefer to sleep at night
  • well, if I do not have enough time to do something during the day, I sit at night doing that
  • it's super fun ! I do not want to sleep at all, when I’m surfing
  • I never thought about it

The Internet is for you:

  • time-eater
  • a source of information and assistance in their search
  • a good way to de-stress
  • something that does not provide as many benefits as the real issues

Do you think that making friends online is a good idea?

  • Sure! All of my new friends are people met on the Internet
  • I definitely prefer to meet people in real life
  • well, if someone is very shy
  • personally, I have net-friends and those who I met in real life

Have you ever not done something important because of using computer and Internet?

  • It happens all the time, but I can’t do it anything to cope with that
  • I do all the important things using the computer
  • it could have happened a couple of times
  • not and it’s quite impossible because I hardly ever use it

If you have to choose between sitting in the fresh air and the time spent at the computer :

  • I do not even think about sitting at the computer
  • I definitely prefer to spend this time surfing
  • now I am chooseing the computer, I can go out later
  • after a long sniffing I decide to go out

Could you survive one year without computer ?

  • I can not imagine such a situation , I would go mad
  • computer is not so necessary in my life so I would somehow survive one year
  • I do not know, it would be hard
  • I would not have any problems with it

Najlepsze odpowiedzi
Nie głosowano
Maksymalnie do zdobycia 24
Wszystkie odpowiedzi 0

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